Orthodontic Treatment


Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics is a branch of science that is carried out by an orthodontist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of facial irregularities and tooth and jaw disorders, and the prevention of their future permanence. The most important pillar of treatment is to start with a correct diagnosis. After the treatment of orthodontic disorders, you will have stylish-looking teeth that will stay in the mouth for many years.

The orthodontist determines whether the patient needs orthodontic treatment by performing a detailed orthodontic examination at the first appointment. The orthodontist gives detailed information about the orthodontic treatment process and the cost of orthodontic treatment.

Before starting the orthodontic treatment, it is important that there are no rotten teeth in your mouth, no gingivitis and bleeding. Before orthodontic treatment, we recommend that your dentist have your fillings and tartar cleaning done. Remember, it is not possible to attach brackets to the teeth of patients who have a poor hygienic oral structure or who have bleeding in the gums along with brushing.

The Procedures Performed During the Orthodontic Treatment Stage are as follows;

If you are receiving bracket-assisted treatment, treatment usually starts from the upper jaw. The lower jaw is passed after a few sessions.

When orthodontic treatment is started, brackets are attached by passing a tube or tape to one or more molars, depending on the choice of the orthodontist..

By attaching the brackets, the back wires are attached and the fastening process is performed with small ligature wires or elastic ligatures.

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