Bonding Treatment


Bonding Treatment

The system in which composite filling materials are used for changing the shape of the teeth, filling the gaps or treating the caries and fractures in an aesthetic way is called Bonding. With this system, also known as composite laminate or aesthetic filling, aesthetic solutions can be produced in a single session by adding bonding material and tooth-colored composite resin to the desired areas without removing tissue from the tooth surface.

  • People who are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth.
  • Individuals with gaps between teeth.
  • Adaptation of yellowed teeth to the color desired by the patient.
  • Individuals with mild crooked teeth.
  • In repairing broken teeth due to any trauma.
  • Lengthening of teeth in individuals with short teeth.
  • In individuals with caries in their anterior teeth.

Does color change occur in bonded teeth?

Bonding application is an alternative to laminate applications, it is much more economical and a preferred application method because it is in a single session. It is preferred that the patient whom we decide to apply bonding does not consume tea, coffee or cigarettes because such foreign substances cause color change in the tooth, but this color change can be easily restored with the polishing process performed every 5-6 months.

Can the bonding application be made to everyone?

Bonding application can be applied to every person at any age, it can be applied to close the gap that may occur between the teeth as the age progresses, often in childhood fractures. Abrasions and cracks may begin in the teeth of the person at later ages, it is applied to repair such cases.

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