Gum Aesthetics


Gum Aesthetics

Gum aesthetics is a dental treatment application, also known as pink dental aesthetics, which covers the processes in which the gums are shaped symmetrically by considering the smile line and the dimensions of the teeth on a patient basis.

What are the Dental Aesthetics Treatment Methods?

In pink aesthetics, tooth length can be extended by laser gingivectomy (gum cutting) or gingivoplasty (gum shaping) under local anesthesia, thus reducing the gummy smile (gingival visibility) or asymmetries can be eliminated by leveling the gums. If the gums are very red and swollen, it is applied by anesthetizing with subgingival curettage applications. Smile aesthetics can be performed on any patient whose gingival and tooth structure is suitable for this treatment, without age restrictions.

In Which Situations And How Is Gum Aesthetics Performed?

Each tooth has a standard location and shape where the gingival level should be. When this standard is broken, oral aesthetics may deteriorate. Gummy smiles that appear excessively while laughing or talking can affect the whole appearance badly. These problems are usually solved with lasers in a single session, without bleeding and without stitches.

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